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राष्ट्रिय महिला आयोग
National Women Commission
Bhadrakali Plaza, Kathmandu, Nepal
Logo of National Women Commission

Press Release (10/25/2077)

प्रकासित मितिः 2021-02-07

Urges for fair and effective investigation into the incident

Shree Sanatan Dharma University located in Dogadakedar village municipality ward no. 7 of Baitadi district. The Commission has drawn serious attention to the incident where a 17-year-old girl Bhagirathi Bhatt, who was studying in class 12 in Khochalek, went missing from noon on January 7, 2077 BS and was found dead in Lovelek Community Forest at around 4:30 pm. The commission has also held discussions with the National Human Rights Commission to monitor and investigate the incident. Such serious incidents of violence have been found to be a serious violation of human rights and human rights. The commission has immediately formed a team led by an honorable member of the commission to monitor and investigate the incident. The Commission urges all concerned parties and stakeholders to provide necessary assistance to the team. The Commission draws the attention of the Government of Nepal to ensure that such incidents do not recur in the coming days, to bring the perpetrators to justice and to provide access to justice and safety to the families of the victims through fair and effective investigations.

Shanta Adhikari Bhattarai



"लैङ्गिक हिंसा अन्त्यको सुनिश्चितता: महिला र बालबालिकामा लगानीको ऐक्यवद्धता" भन्ने नाराको साथ विश्वव्यापी रुपमा सञ्चालन भईरहेको लैङ्गिक हिंसा विरुद्धको १६ दिने अभियानको सन्दर्भमा राष्ट्रिय महिला आयोगद्वारा मिति २०८०।८।१० गते अभियान शुभारम्भ कार्यक्रम

"खबर गरौं हेल्पलाइन; ११४५" को छैठौं स्थापना दिवस विशेष कार्यक्रम

राष्ट्रिय महिला आयोगको २१ औं स्थापना दिवस तथा ११३ ‌औं अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय श्रमिक महिला दिवस

लैंगिक हिंसा निवारणको अभियानलाई प्रभावकारी बनाउन सामाजिक राजनीतीक क्षेत्रका युवाहरूसंगको अन्तर्क्रिया कार्यक्रम

लैङ्गिक हिंसाको कारण महिलाको मानसिक र प्रजनन् स्वास्थ्यमा पर्ने नकारात्मक असरबारे अन्तरक्रिया कार्यक्रम

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